How to journal for Ramadan: Make it effective

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   Ramadan is the most important month for us as Muslims. Fasting, getting closer to God, controlling ourselves, and improving our lifestyles, are all mandatory goals we seek during the month.

   We all know and agree that the month of Ramadan has a level of spirituality and peace, unlike any other period. Many beautiful details happen to take place in Ramadan, making it so special and light on our hearts.

ramadan journal

   Ramadan comes to give you a break from your busy life. We certainly sink into our activities thinking it’s important until Ramadan comes to open our eyes and sort out our priorities all over again.

   Yet, we mustn’t expect an overnight change in Ramadan. It is the perfect chance but only with good intentions and a strong effort. That’s why it matters the most to get ready for this month. To welcome it properly and take all the benefits out of it inshallah!

   Today, I am sharing with you my journaling method for Ramadan. Simple pages made to tidy up my goals, habit tracking, and reflections for this month.

   Remember, the biggest goal is to train our souls during this month and become a better version by the end of it. So let’s have a look at the steps I follow to make it real:

1- My journaling corner

   Journaling for me is a self-care moment. Especially when it comes to planning and preparing for something.

   Picking up a cozy place and time will make your journaling session more effective.

   Start by bringing out your pens, pencils, colors, and decorative papers. And if you are like me, a lover of visuals, print out some stickers or draw some doodles related to the theme of your page.

   Here specifically, Ramadan stickers.

Ramadan stickers

2- Tracking Ramadan habits

   Your productivity starts with the habits you lead along. So make habit trackers the first option when planning for a period of time.

   For Ramadan, you ought to choose three or two habits you need to focus on. Do not overwhelm yourself with a long list of habits, or something you wouldn’t necessarily do every day.

habits tracker

   I made three habit trackers: –Quran (to read the whole Quran once inshallah) –Dikr (to make sure I am remembering Allah in every action throughout the day) –Taraweeh (to keep the discipline and pray Taraweeh every single night).

3- Personal goals

   The second page is dedicated to personal goals. Fasting, improving our characters, praying mindfully and you name it are the basic big goals each individual must work on. Besides, you should also take advantage of the Barakah this month has to accomplish personal goals.

   Here is a list of goals to inspire you to find your own:

  • work on a project
  • study effectively
  • reduce social media usage
  • memorize some surahs
  • improve eating habits
  • read a number of books
  • make certain family gatherings
  • plan for something coming up

   And so on… Personalize your goals as much as possible and make them fit your life. Because Ramadan is the month of focus, away from all distractions. May Allah help you reach your goals and work on yourself better during his holly month.

personal goals page
Here is mine: goals + books I'll read

4- Reflection

   I entitled my third page this way to emphasize the act of reflection and awareness. Being aware of who you are, what you do wrong, and who you want to be is crucial to make a difference. Because solving a problem starts by recognizing it.

   We think about what is wrong, we analyze it, understand it, replace it, and only then do we shine. So keep this mentality during Ramadan.

reflection page

   I made sections for bad habits to break, good habits to gain, and a description of how I see myself at the end of this month. The way this will help you is by tracking your improvement before and after. At the end of the month, push yourself to read it all over again and write a paragraph about who you are today. It will be satisfying to see yourself giving up some habits, gaining new beneficial ones, and inshallah leading life with a bit more peace and faith.

5- Adkar and Duas

   It was my choice to fill the fourth page with several adkar for different parts of the day. Hopefully, I can memorize them and use each at the right time to make my day smooth and full of ease.

   Do not underestimate the power of adkar and duas, we actually need them more than food and water. The prophet SAW said “Keep your tongue wet with the remembrance of Allah. So follow his lead!

adkar page


   To sum up, Ramadan is a gift full of blessings, love, and peace. It may come, touch your heart, and change it completely. This article is a reminder for you and me! So do not ignore the reminder, take it and plan your month with good intentions.

   Of course, the way I made this was all personal. You can be flexible and customize it the way you want. For instance, here is another style I made for another Ramadan:

ramadan bujo
ramadan bujo

And right after this bujo, you may want to journal more for Ramadan. If that’s the case, here you find your solution: A list of Ramadan journaling prompts and ideas. Enjoy it!

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