Let’s make a bullet journal spread for the new month

    I love to talk about bullet journal magic and fun. It is simply the best tool to organize your life in the most customizable way ever. You just wake up and choose to put down your ideas and goals as it suits you.

   Today, as May 2023 is about to start, I thought I would make a monthly spread and take you along. I often use blog posts and other forms of content to get inspired for my own journal. And my turn came to produce a similar piece that YOU can use as inspiration.

May bullet journal page

Let’s get into it:

THe main page of a bullet journal:

   I love to experiment with this first page, where the only purpose is to present the month. Every time, I love to do something different. I calligraphy the name of the month and put some cute stickers together.

   Always try to give it the vibe of the season, maybe spring, summer or fall. Do that and free the artist on you.

   This is how I made mine. Giving spring and fresh nature vibes.

The first page about May

Important things page:

   Usually, this second page varies. It has to do with what’s going on in my life and what are my priorities. Yet, I always make sure to put big goals and to dos just to remember them and check them later. 

   This way, I make sure my month is organized and has purpose. We don’t want the days to go fast and fly without having at least a simple vision. 

bujo page about may : important things

   I put on there things like important dates (to remember special days), big goals (to be clear about them), my blog posts (to stay consistent) and more …

habit tracker for our bullet journal:

   Third page is what keeps me on track. We all have a ton of tiny habits we try to build and throw in our days. But sometimes we may let them go simply because we forget about them. Reason why a habit tracker for me is so essential, pushes me to do them all just for the cute page.

   You can learn more about habit tracking in here with James Clear: Habit Tracking

   It is defenetly fine to miss some days of any habit. Furthermore, it will happen out of your control. A habit tracker page will help you keep going and trying with your habits no matter how many you miss. So do not exclude this from you bujo page.

A habit tracker page for the month of May

This how mine turned out. Absolutely adorable! And looking forward filling it with colorful circles.

In little words:

   The reason we make bullet journal pages is to organize our lives (apart the fact that they are just cute and fun to make). So take your time to make a couple of page that suit your life and meet your needs.

   Feel free to copy my pages or make your own differently, and tell how that went. 

   If you need any help with journaling you may like these articles I made before:

And more content is available in my page, enjoy your journaling journey!!

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